Things You Didnt Know About the Declaration of Independence

APS shares a little history lesson on the Annunciation of Independence, and to aid y'all learn some interesting facts to print everyone this Fourth of July.

10 Facts About the Declaration of Independence

Every American is familiar with the Fourth of July holiday. It's a mean solar day we all recognize as the pivotal moment we declared our independence from Great britain, and our land was born. The Proclamation of Independence is the reason we celebrate every yr, and contains some of the about important lines in American history:

Nosotros concord these truths to be self-axiomatic, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that amidst these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.

As famous every bit these lines are, many of usa don't know much behind how this document was created. In the spirit of Independence Day, we're providing a history lesson most the Declaration of Independence. Here are x facts you can use to impress anybody this Quaternary of July:

John Adams Portrait

one. John Adams refused to celebrate July 4th as Independence Mean solar day.

We recognize July four as the Announcement of Independence's information because it'south the twenty-four hour period it was adopted. However, the bodily vote for independence occurred on July 2, 1776. President Adams would not recognize the fourth as a event and refused invitations to July 4th celebrations. Coincidentally, both he and President Thomas Jefferson died on July iv, 1826, l years afterwards the adoption of the Proclamation of Independence.

2. The Proclamation of Independence wasn't signed on July 4, 1776.

While the Announcement of Independence was adopted and finalized on July 4, 1776, the bulk of the other signers actually signed it on August 2, 1776. One reason is that it took nigh ii weeks later on it was endorsed for the document to exist "engrossed" (written on parchment in clear handwriting). Some other reason information technology took and then long to exist signed is that New York's delegates didn't receive authorization to sign until July 9, 1776.

three. Richard Henry Lee proposed the bill for independence.

Richard Henry Lee proposed the Lee Resolution to the 2d Continental Congress on June 7, 1776, and they were seconded by John Adams. It was the earliest form of a declaration of independence. In them, Lee famously declared: "That these United Colonies are, and of correct out to be, costless and independent States." Subsequently many heated debates, Congress delayed the vote for approval of the Lee Resolution and decided to reconvene on July ane, 1776.

4. Thomas Jefferson didn't write the Announcement of Independence solitary.

While Jefferson was the primary author, he wasn't alone in writing the Annunciation. The Committee of V was appointed on June 11, 1776, to draft a formal argument for the colonies' case for independence. The committee members were John Adams of Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, Robert R. Livingston of New York, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, and Thomas Jefferson of Virginia.

At that place were a total of 86 edits to Jefferson'southward original draft by the time of its blessing on July iv, merely the famous Preamble remained untouched.

Writing The Declaration of Independence

five. The vote for Independence was not unanimous.

When the Lee Resolution was brought again earlier the Continental Congress on July 2, 1776, twelve colonies adopted it with New York abstaining. On July 4, simply nine colonies voted in favor of adopting the Proclamation of Independence. Pennsylvania and S Carolina voted No, Delaware was Undecided and New York Abstained.

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6. John Dunlap printed hundreds of copies of the Declaration of Independence.

The Commission of Five was charged with making and sending copies of the Declaration to the masses on the nighttime of July 4, 1776. They went to Philadelphia printer John Dunlap, who printed hundreds of copies that were dispatched beyond the Thirteen Colonies on July 5, 1776. These "Dunlap broadsides" are incredibly rare, and only 26 copies are known to take survived.

Paul Revere's Midnight Ride

vii. It took 442 days for Independence to become an accepted thought.

In that location were 442 days between the "Shot Heard 'Round the World" fired at Lexington and Concord to the adoption of the Annunciation of Independence. The bulk of colonists viewed themselves as British subjects. In fact, when fighting broke out in Massachusetts in April 1775, it was considered a civil dispute. The thought of separation was seen as a radical notion.

This remained truthful until Rex George III denounced the colonies in front of Parliament in October of 1775. It was so that American colonists agreed they should become an independent nation, as they felt their rights as British citizens were beingness denied.

8. It was written for a reason too announcing our independence.

Many people know the Declaration was written, but most people never question or understand exactly why there was a need for a formal certificate. The reply is uncomplicated nevertheless complex. If the colonies wanted strange allies to aid them in separation, they showtime had to legally declare themselves independent of Britain.

It was vital that each of the thirteen colonies come together as a single torso. A colony by itself wouldn't be taken seriously past a globe power like French republic, but the Thirteen together every bit one nation would. This was groundbreaking at the time, every bit each colony viewed itself as a singular entity, much like the countries of Europe.

nine. There are 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence.

None of the men who signed the Declaration were Americans, though well-nigh of them were born in Colonies. They were all technically British citizens at the time they signed the certificate. Eight of the signers were built-in in United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. Richard Stockton was the just signer to recant his signature after he was captured by British soldiers a few months later.

The last person to sign was Matthew Thornton, who signed it on November 4, 1776. Robert Livingston, i of the Committee of Five members, never signed information technology, stating it was also shortly to declare independence from Britain.

Signing Of The Declaration of Independence

x. There actually is something written on the back of the Declaration of Independence.

Unfortunately for National Treasure fans, it's non an invisible treasure map. Written upside downwards on the back of the certificate reads: "Original Declaration of Independence dates quaternary July 1776." It'due south believed this text was added as a label, every bit parchment was oftentimes rolled up for transport during the Revolutionary War.

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson
June 24, 1826, Monticello
Written in his last letter

…For ourselves, permit the annual return of this day [July 4] forever refresh our recollections of these rights and an undiminished devotion to them.

Happy Fourth of July

No land in the earth has a perfect history. Nevertheless, the story of how the United States of America was built-in 244 years agone has left a lasting impression on the world. While you gloat this Fourth of July holiday, take a moment to acknowledge how a unmarried document has defined both our by and continues to shape our future.

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